Who we are & what we do
Hungarton Parish Council came into existence in 1895.
The Parish Council's responsibilities include street lighting and the upkeep of the war memorial. It has also contributed to the upkeep of the Village Hall and Village Playground. The council raised the Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan, which it keeps under regular review, and also run a very active Environment Committee.
Meetings of the Parish Council are usually held every 2-3 months at the Village Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council are both held in May of each year, again at the village hall.
The Parish Council does not own any offices and day to day contact should be via the Parish Clerk.
- Councillors
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
- Committees
List of our committees and what they do. With links to the agendas and minutes for each committee.
Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.